
c 1 Building a national bibliography: models from around the world = [Construire une bibliographie nationale : des modèles du monde entier]

: IFLA 2024.

Existing as unique entities within their countries, providing a permanent bibliographic record of their intellectual and cultural outputs, national bibliographies have histories of establishment and development and models of organization and operating. While there is no single model for national bibliography development, there are essential considerations that underpin this undertaking.
The webinar aims at delving into the frameworks and foundations of establishing and operating a national bibliography, drawing inspirations from established and successful models around the world, permitting to navigate diverse landscapes and settings.

Programme :
- The French National Bibliography: A 213 Years Old Newborn. Mathilde Koskas, French National Library
- The Philippine National Bibliography (PNB): A Comprehensive Review of Historical, Context, Key Figures, Impact and Future Developments, Jennifer B. Dimasaca and Marbilyn M. Egido, National Library of Philippine
- Structuring a National Bibliography. The Series of the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie: Historical Genesis, Current Status and Future Plans, Florian Betz and Katharina Schöneborn, National German Library
- Current Brazilian Bibliography in the Digital Era, Eduardo da Silva Alentejo, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro and Gabriel Alves Pereira, Brazilian Bibliographic Society

Durée : 01:56:35

[Consulté le 09/08/2024]