
3 1 Meteor and Other Stories

Oxford : Oxford University Press ; 2008. 120 p.
Cote : 022.536 OWI

La lecture simplifiée consiste en une lecture d'apprentissage progressive de la langue. Il existe 6 niveaux, répartis de débutants (300 mots) jusqu'à avancés (3000 mots).

Chaque livre de la collection Oxford Bookworms est constitué d'une introduction, de vocabulaire des termes difficiles et d'exercices de compréhension.

Ces histoires, écrites en anglais britannique, sont des romans de science-fiction.
Synopsis : It was just a smooth round metal ball, less than a metre in diameter. Although it was still hot from its journey through the huge nothingness of space, it looked quite harmless. But what was it, exactly? A meteor, perhaps - just one of those pieces of rock from outer space that occasionally fall down on to the planet Earth. But meteors don't usually make strange hissing sounds . . .
In this collection of four of his famous science-fiction stories, John Wyndham creates visions of the future that make us think carefully about the way we live now.

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Collection : Oxford Bookworms.
Niveau roman : 6 - confirmé C2


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Code barre
1 022.536 OWI 37531023807879 [disponible]