
3 1 The Star Zoo

Gilbert Harry
Oxford : Oxford University Press ; 2008. 72 p.
Cote : 022.533 OGI

La lecture simplifiée consiste en une lecture d'apprentissage progressive de la langue. Il existe 6 niveaux, répartis de débutants (300 mots) jusqu'à avancés (3000 mots).

Chaque livre de la collection Oxford Bookworms est constitué d'une introduction, de vocabulaire des termes difficiles et d'exercices de compréhension.

Cette histoire, écrite en anglais britannique, est un roman de science-fiction.
Synopsis : In our world today a hummingbird is a small, brilliantly coloured bird that lives in the tall trees of tropical forests.
In the far distant future, Hummingbird (Hummy for short) is a girl of sixteen who lives somewhere in the Galaxy, on a planet called Just Like Home. She has the name 'Hummingbird' in big letters on all her clothes, but she has never seen a real hummingbird. She has never seen any living animal or bird at all. The Book of Remembering says that there were once many animals on a planet called Earth, but that was before the Burning, a long, long time ago . . .

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Collection : Oxford Bookworms.
Niveau roman : 3 - Intermédiaire B1


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Code barre
1 022.533 OGI 37531023807903 [disponible]