
Documents  American Library Association | enregistrements trouvés : 8


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American Libraries, est une revue publiée depuis 1970 par l'American Library Association, 6 fois par an sous forme imprimée. Le numéro de juillet/août paraît uniquement sous format numérique.
Tout ou presque sur la vie, les activités et les événements marquants des bibliothèques américaines.

Les numéros publiés depuis 2008 sont accessibles en ligne ici
American Libraries, est une revue publiée depuis 1970 par l'American Library Association, 6 fois par an sous forme imprimée. Le numéro de juillet/août paraît uniquement sous format numérique.
Tout o...

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Last year, career prospects for library workers weren’t looking so rosy. The pandemic had thrust many industries into uncertainty, and library schools, job boards, and recruiters reported a contraction of library jobs not seen since the Great Recession.

Extrait de la revue American libraries, 2022 (juin)
Last year, career prospects for library workers weren’t looking so rosy. The pandemic had thrust many industries into uncertainty, and library schools, job boards, and recruiters reported a ...

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Cinq experts en technologie, éducateurs et bibliothécaires, pionniers dans l'utilisation de l'IA générative dans leurs établissements, discutent de la manière dont elle est utilisée dans les bibliothèques. Mais également des préoccupations éthiques qui ont émergé et de la manière dont les bibliothécaires peuvent éduquer leurs communautés sur l’utilisation de cette technologie.

Extrait de la revue American libraries, 2024 (mars-avril)
Cinq experts en technologie, éducateurs et bibliothécaires, pionniers dans l'utilisation de l'IA générative dans leurs établissements, discutent de la manière dont elle est utilisée dans les ...

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Un article autour de projets de collectes d'histoire orale menés par des bibliothèques publiques américaines. A découvrir.

Extrait de la revue American libraries, 2024 (janvier-février)

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In January 2021, the American Library Association’s (ALA) Council passed a resolution declaring support for broadband as a human right. Yet the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reports that ­approximately 19 million Americans lack broadband access, and “even in areas where broadband is available, approximately 100 million Americans still do not subscribe.” According to the Public Library Association’s (PLA) 2020 Public Library Technology Survey, released in September 2021, only half of all libraries provide some type of technology for use outside the library.

Extrait de la revue American libraries, 2022 (avril)
In January 2021, the American Library Association’s (ALA) Council passed a resolution declaring support for broadband as a human right. Yet the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reports that ...

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Academic libraries in the US have shifted service models over the years for several reasons. Rapid changes in technology play a large role, but other external factors—like budget cuts and institutional needs—also drive evolution. As new skillsets are identified and positions created, leaders can also introduce new frameworks..

Extrait de la revue American libraries, 2023 (mai)
Academic libraries in the US have shifted service models over the years for several reasons. Rapid changes in technology play a large role, but other external factors—like budget cuts and in...

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Academic libraries in the US have shifted service models over the years for several reasons. Rapid changes in technology play a large role, but other external factors—like budget cuts and institutional needs—also drive evolution. As new skillsets are identified and positions created, leaders can also introduce new frameworks..

Extrait de la revue American libraries, 2023 (juillet-août)
Academic libraries in the US have shifted service models over the years for several reasons. Rapid changes in technology play a large role, but other external factors—like budget cuts and in...

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Academic librarians have long grappled with issues of collection size, quality versus quantity, and maintaining a core collection. In previous eras, libraries provided access to content by acquiring and owning print copies of titles to allow immediate access to users.

Extrait de la revue American libraries, 2022 (mai)
Academic librarians have long grappled with issues of collection size, quality versus quantity, and maintaining a core collection. In previous eras, libraries provided access to content by acquiring ...

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