
3 1 Chemical Secret

Oxford : Oxford University Press ; 2008. 72 p.
Cote : 022.533 OVI

La lecture simplifiée consiste en une lecture d'apprentissage progressive de la langue. Il existe 6 niveaux, répartis de débutants (300 mots) jusqu'à avancés (3000 mots).

Chaque livre de la collection Oxford Bookworms est constitué d'une introduction, de vocabulaire des termes difficiles et d'exercices de compréhension.

Cette histoire, écrite en anglais britannique, est un thriller.
Synopsis : The job was too good. There had to be a problem - and there was.
John Duncan was an honest man, but he needed money. He had children to look after. He was ready to do anything, and his bosses knew it.
They gave him the job because he couldn't say no; he couldn't afford to be honest. And the job was like a poison inside him. It changed him and blinded him, so that he couldn't see the real poison - until it was too late.

Autres titres du même niveau de difficulté

Collection : Oxford Bookworms.
Niveau roman : 3 - Intermédiaire B1


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Code barre
1 022.533 OVI 37531023807895 [disponible]